
Friday, November 04, 2005


Aren't fingers great!! Your own that is not cadbury's chocolate fingers - now that's another blog. I had to take apart my Dyson this morning to fiddle intelligently and try to fix etc and it got me thinking - aren't fingers great. You can stick screwdrivers in machines - springy long things to try to clear blockages etc but nothing works like using your hands and freeing the blockage yourself. They can go round corners - feel what the blockage is and actually sort it out.
This doesn't even scratch the surface of what you can do - scratching for one, typing, writing, the list is probaby endless. Just made me consider the wonders of creation - little things like fingers are so usefull - we are truly wonderfully made by God.

Apologies for any similarity to the Fast show - i.e. fingers - great yeah brilll etc etc


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