
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hubby Smiley Charts :)

2 posts in one day – what is the world coming to??
I must be a bulimic blogger or something.

Anyway, this thought came to me a few weeks ago and, being blonde, took a few weeks for me to figure out my plan.

Being a big fan of Super Nanny and the such and having reward charts up for the kids thought maybe I ought to draw one up for Darren to positively encourage him in good forms of behaviour etc – my chart is as follows:

Putting on a laundry load when asked = plus 1 smiley
Noticing a laundry load needs doing and putting it on without being asked = plus 2 smileys
Not putting laundry load on when asked and opting to watch Top Gear instead = minus 3 smileys

Noticing we need milk, buying it on way home and ringing to check anything else required = plus 2 smileys
Using last drop of milk for early breakfast so everyone else is forced to have toast and black tea = Minus 3 smileys

Offering to swap cars because you need to use the bigger car next day = plus 2 smileys
Leaving said offered car with enough petrol fumes to just about get you to the end of the road = Minus 3 smileys

Offering to make you a meal because you have had a bad day = plus 2 smileys
Forgetting to make a meal, offering a take away and then making you go out and get it = Minus 3 smileys

Buying you underwear which you are rarely likely to use (apart from in his dreams) for your birthday = Minus 2 smileys
Giving you £50 and the route to Lakeside for the day = Plus 3 smileys

Offering to look after kids for the day – Plus 2 smileys
Ringing you after an hour on the verge of killing one or both of the children = Minus 3 smileys

Offering to cook a meal for you both to have friends round for a night – plus 2 smileys
Finding out said meal is a barbeque and you will be preparing salad, crisps, rolls, sauces, drinks, plates, cutlery, napkins and dessert while he cremates 6 sausages = Minus 3 points

Anyway – I’m sure some of you other wives have some other ideas to add to the chart should your loved ones be behaving anything less than perfect. I think I may have to submit this to Family Ministries at Church for inclusion in Marriage enrichment course or similar!!!

I am sure many of you are wondering what will be Darren’s reward if he gets his target number of smileys??? Will let you know when he gets there – so far the chart has been up for 14 years!!


Just wanted to show off my new pair of ‘Crocs’ Shoes purchased today. I read an article on these and they are supposed to be really comfortable and very good for your feet. Plus – I have just finished working weekends, Darren is away and I was let loose on Chelmsford Shopping Centre – it had to be done!!! Also my ‘inner little girl’ was screaming for a pair of bright pink shoes –what fun.

Groovy shoes here we go – I may well sleep in them tonight.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

6:30pm ITV Evening news – each night this week – Romania Reports

Blog entry from Darren . . .

Sometimes the media depicts news stories in a biased way. However, speaking from personal experience, what ITV’s pictures and commentators are saying, is a true depiction of the plight that the Romanian families are facing! Some examples that have been highlighted:

* Children abandoned with no hope and a future of spending life in a institution or life on the street

* Children suffering with illnesses easily treatable in the west
* Children lying motionless with flies crawling over them

* Children with hands tied behind their backs in institutional hospitals

* Parents selling their child for $10,000

Yes, this is very upsetting but there is good news! Last Sunday Mike spoke on the start his new series ‘God is alive’. I have now had the privilege to go to Romania on three occasions and I can say from my personal experience that God is Alive and working miracles in Romania!

We are all snug in our own comfort zones, however, Jesus said that we should help our neighbours. This means that we need to get up and act. We do not need a Damascus experience, but to act in faith. If a door opens, go through, if it closes look for another door.

Blog Entry from Rhi . . .

For those of you who do not know the Lee Family (all 4 of us) and Mum (Joyce) will be going on mission trip to Romania in 2008. The family will still be young (14 and 12) but we feel it is right to go – God has been so good to us and we feel we ought to share some of our blessings with the people over there.

Search your hearts.

A wise woman once said to me “You may not feel called to go, but have you been called to stay?”

We are all called to go –

And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere”
Mark 16:15 (New Living Translation)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Boot Sale Update

Thanks to all who donated stuff - Darren did the Boot Sale on Bank Holiday money and raised over £140 which will go to the Smiles Foundation. If you haven't seen the reports on Romania on BBC evening news - about 6pm - watch them - it's hard but it does show what is going on out there. Smiles does a fantastic work ant helping these people and need every penny they can get.

By the way we still have half a grage full of 'leftovers' from Boot Sale and will be doing another soon or I won't be able to get into the garage !!!! :)