
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A soft place to fall

What do I blog about now - seeing as I am being nagged by Pen to blog. I have caught the dreaded bloggers cold and am busy memorising the verse "man shall not live by Lemsip alone" or something like that. Had to work at a show on Sunday last (Mothers Day - which I missed most of with the kids) which did not help the cold standing outside selling Garden Furniture at Woburn Safari Park for about 9 hours!!
I am lagging terribly behind with the 40 days of purpose I think I am at about day 14 when I think we should be on about day 23 from Sarah's blog. Added to this, I am having trouble sleeping so thought I would leave Darren snoring in bed to come down to catch up on reading and now can't even find 40 days of purpose book anyway!!!
Do you ever feel wrung out and ready to throw the towel in? At the stage of can't even find the towel to throw!! Well that's just about me at the mo - how inspiring is this turning out to be.
But I am reminded of a phrase that Dr Phil (American TV life coach - v good) uses - that we should have a soft place to fall. I have that in God. When I feel wrung out, that I can do no more, that I am weak and too far behind to catch up, when I have lost my towel to throw, my marbles and everything else, My God will be my soft place to fall. His arms will hold me when I can hold no more. When I have only the strength to 'be' he says 'Come and rest in my presence'. So for now, that is what I will do.
Tomorrow I will find my marbles, my towel and my strength but for tonight I will be falling in my soft place.


  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger SarahB said…


    Your blogs are always thought provoking so it's a real joy to read them. Hope you shed the dreaded blogger's cold.

    Re 40 days of purpose isn't it a challenging book? I never intended for my blogs to be what they are if that makes any sense...

    I love the soft place to fall because we all need to do that.

    With hugs and prayers,



  • At 6:48 PM, Blogger Penelope said…

    Hi Rhi

    Hope you feel better soon!!!

    Kevin said at the w/end - that God won't actually mind if we take longer than 40 days to read the book - breathe a huge sigh of relief!!!

    Loved the bit about the 'place to fall' - think I'll do that myself!

    Love 'n hugs,

    Pen x

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Nicole's Psalm said…

    Right now I need a soft place to fall too, so that makes two of us. I've been to Woburn Abbey too!! Remember fresh manna tomorrow.


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